Australian red meat isn’t just good for your health, it’s also having a positive impact on the planet. Since 2017, we’ve been working towards the goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2030, and with the way things are going, we’re confident we’ll get there.
Carbon Neutral by 2030, or CN30, means that Australian beef, lamb and goat production, including lot feeding and meat processing, will make no net release of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere by 2030.
To support Aussie red meat in achieving CN30, the CN30 Roadmap was launched in 2020. It describes what a carbon neutral Australian red meat industry means and outlines the work that’s taking place to get us to this goal. While there’s investment in many areas, the two key activities that will help us achieve carbon neutrality are reducing GHG emissions and sequestering carbon to offset emissions. Let’s explore these ideas in more detail.
For the Australian red meat industry to achieve its CN30 target, reducing GHG emissions from grazing management, lot feeding and processing is a priority. This is largely centred on developing and adopting technologies that avoid carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) emissions.
According to a study by the CSIRO, 78% of livestock emissions are from pasture‑raised beef, followed by 18% from sheepmeat, 4% from grainfed beef and <1% from goat meat. Most of these emissions occur when cattle, sheep and other ruminants emit methane (usually by burping!) as a natural part of their digestion process.
The industry is currently exploring new feed and supplements that reduce methane emissions, while also improving animal growth rates and reproduction. Legumes such as Leucaena and Desmanthus are a great food source as they not only improve growth rates but also reduce methane emissions whilst also offering additional soil health benefits by fixing nitrogen. And in Australian feedlot trials, the marine macroalgae, Asparagopsis and another additive Bovaer®, have reduced methane emissions between 15 - 90% when fed daily to cattle. Learn more about the Asparagopsis feedlot feeding trial and the Bovaer® trials. has also been shown to substantially reduce methane emissions when fed to livestock.
Other key activities include:
Increasing carbon storage in grazing lands is another way for the industry to achieve carbon neutrality. Carbon sequestration refers to capturing CO2 and storing it in the land or in vegetation through activities such as changing grazing patterns. Not only does carbon sequestration reduce CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere, it can also improve soil health and drought resilience, and improve water quality through reduced sediment run‑off into waterways.
The Australian red meat industry has a goal of removing 15 million tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere each year and storing it as carbon within 10 million hectares of Australian grazing land by 2025. To reach this target, the industry is working towards increasing carbon storage by using:
The Australian Government’s National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (NGHGI) is responsible for reporting on Australia’s emissions annually, in keeping with its international GHG emissions reduction commitments. They release quarterly updates that provide a summary of Australia’s national emissions and demonstrate how Australia is tracking against its targets.
You can already buy carbon neutral beef and lamb, and this is set to become more commonplace as producers work to adapt their processes to meet the CN30 target.
In addition, by 2030, Australian red meat producers will be able to:
It’s an exciting time for Australian red meat producers – and consumers – as we strive towards the goal of carbon neutral red meat. Using innovative technologies and grazing practices aimed at reducing emissions and storing carbon, we can be part of the solution to climate change and play a leading role in a cleaner, greener future.
The Australian red meat and livestock industry's goal is to be carbon neutral by 2030 (CN30).
Get the facts on cows, methane, greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.
Here is why carbon neutral red meat is good meat, with the Australian red meat industry actively working to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions.