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Sustainable Farming

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A brighter future with lower emissions min read

Seeing the impacts of climate change on his central western New South Wales cattle farm empowered Jon Wright to act.

Feed efficiency

Car industries strive for positive change that increases efficiency in their cars. In the same way, Jon has been improving the feed efficiency of his cattle herd for the past 20 years.

It all comes down to breeding. Why? Because some cows are genetically more efficient, requiring less feed to put on the same amount of weight.

We know that the more cattle eat, the more methane they produce. So, by focussing on breeding from animals that are more feed efficient, Jon can produce the same amount of beef but with less emissions. 

And his breeding program is paying off, with his cattle producing 15 to 20% less methane per kilogram.



Capturing carbon

In addition to breeding more efficient cattle Jon has changed the way he manages his property to capture more carbon in the soil. Using rotational grazing Jon is sequestering more carbon from the atmosphere and locking it in the soil. This in turn increases his plant diversity producing better feed for his animals, enabling them to gain weight faster and enhancing the whole carbon cycle.



Learning from the past

Jon loves being a beef producer and is keenly aware that if he wants to continue doing what he loves he needs to continue to change for the better. Over the past two decades Jon has adapted his farm management practices, using less chemicals and fertilisers, to ensure he is leaving the land in a better condition.


When you know you're doing the right thing it makes farming so much more enjoyable.

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Jon Wright, Coota Park Blue-E