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More than just good for you

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Discover how every mouthful of delicious red meat makes a positive impact on more than just your appetite. Because Good Meat is good in so many ways.


Australian red meat - more than just good for you

Australia’s Good Meat is so much more than just good for you. The Australian red meat industry cares about our animals and wants to ensure they have a life worth living. We also care about a sustainable future for the planet and have voluntarily set a carbon neutral target.

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'Red Meat Green Facts' is a fast-facts way to get to the truth about red meat production in Australia. 

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A brighter future with lower emissions

A brighter future with lower emissions

Seeing the impacts of climate change on his central western New South Wales cattle farm empowered Jon Wright to act.

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“If you look after your land and your animals they will look after you.”

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Charlie Blomfield Sheep Producer

Frequently asked questions

  • Is red meat healthy?

    Red meat is an excellent source of protein, iron and zinc. These essential nutrients are important throughout your life as a means of staying healthy.

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  • How much red meat should I eat?

    The Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend eating 65g lean, cooked red meat every day, alternating between meals with smaller and larger portion sizes.

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  • Is red meat farming environmentally sustainable?

    Australian farmers use a range of sustainable farming practices. These include managing emissions and water use, increasing biodiversity, creating energy efficiencies, reducing waste and implementing environmentally sustainable land management practices.

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  • How much water does it take to produce 1kg of beef?

    It takes 73% less water for cattle to grow one kilo of beef than it did 35 years ago. Current research shows that it takes 400 litres of water to produce 1kg of an animal's liveweight, down 18% over the most recent five years and 73% lower than 1985.

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  • How are animals treated on farms?

    Australian farmers work hard to give their livestock the best care possible, and follow best-practice guidelines .

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  • How are animals treated when exported live?

    Animal wellbeing is critical during live exports and the industry has made big improvements in this area. To ensure the best possible treatment, 31 animal-welfare indicators are measured onboard livestock export vessels. These cover nutrition, environment, health, behaviour and mental state.

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More than just good for you

The Australian red meat industry cares about our animals and wants to ensure they have a life worth living.